Fall and Home Remedy!
January 3, 2025

Hi, this is Connie from whitenerbargains.com. As I was driving through the back country roads here in Missouri, I noticed how the leaves on the trees are starting to change color. The nights are getting cooler here and the rainy season is almost upon us. It got me thinking about making my home remedy cough syrup. The good thing about it is that you can make as big a batch or as little a batch as you want. Since my husband is a truck driver, I make 2 different size jars when I make it. A small jar for him to take on his truck to put in his fridge and a larger jar for at home. Oh, you want to know what it is, well it is really simple, just 3 ingredients, here it is.

Lemons, fresh Ginger root, and Honey. I use raw honey. You slice the lemons and ginger root into round slices, be careful with the ginger because it is hard to slice. I would not want someone cutting themselves, trying to slice it. Speaking from experience here I did not realize how hard that root was, or it could have been a dull knife. Any way you have a clean jar if you have a canning jar or jelly jar, or it even could be an old clean pickle jar for that matter. You place a layer of lemons then a layer of ginger then layer of lemon and layer of ginger until you get to the top of the jar. You can pack it down a little as you go. After you get that jar filled to the neck you will pour the honey over it. The honey will fill the little cracks and holes and pour the honey until you have everything covered. Then place the lid onto the jar and place it in the fridge for at least 2 weeks to get the lemon and ginger juices time to mix with the honey. During the time it is sitting in the fridge, take it out and tilt it back and forth to help mix it up really well.

After two weeks it is ready to use. I like to let it set a little longer though. Oh, you want to know how to use it. You take a cup of hot water, and 2 tablespoons of honey stir into the water and drink it up. You can use it as often as you want and as strong as you want. Sometimes I will put 4 tablespoons into my cup depending on how I feel. It will keep up to 3 months in the fridge with every once in a while, tilting it.  The lemon helps cut the phlegm; the ginger helps open the airways and the honey acts as a natural antibiotic or, so I was told. I am no doctor though. But I do know it is good to curl up with something warm to drink when you are a little under the weather or it is just a little chilly out. Plus, as Grandma always “If it is done with love, it will taste better.” I would not give this drink to children under the age of 1 though because of the honey.